zondag 9 november 2008

portfolio website

For some months i am also working on my portfolio website. In the past i already made a view designs. But these designs never really gave the right impression of me and my work. So this time i really looked at my own personality and style. So i hope this time i will feel good about the design. Here is a picture of the idea for my website. Its my own photographs. I also used my own textures and paint stain brushes.

dinsdag 28 oktober 2008

sketches - new and old

Well i had a view busy weeks so thats why i haven't posted for a while. I finally scanned some old and new sketches. going to color them later and make a storyboard about the intro of the animation. I decided to focus on only the intro because i would like to experiment a bit with animating and adding depth. Here are the sketches:

woensdag 17 september 2008

Squidkid Sketch

Ink Attack

a sketch of the squidkid. Got another sketch that i still need to scan but I'm a bit lazy and also busy with other school stuff.

Hopefully i soon got more time to work on more sketches. And also to color some of the drawings in photoshop or illustrator. ^_^

another bubblegum girl sketch

This is another bubblegum girl sketch its cute but it doesn't got my preference. I like the strawberrycap hat and the outfit thou ^_^

BubblegumGirl Sketch

i made many crappy sketches but i like these the most. For now.

<<<----- on the left
normal human form

on the right--->>>
in superhero form

BubbleGirl and the Squidkid

The animation I'm going to make will be about an antihero. The 2 are bubbleGirl and Squidkid.

Bubblegirl is about a girl who becomes a superhero. Her superpowers is that she got the power of...Dum...Dum...Dum...Duuuum... bubblegum. She's pink powerful and deadly. Ah well not real deadly :P just tough and sticky

Squidkid will be a boy or girl who doesn't got hair but tentacles on the head. He/She can spout inkt in the oponents face and knock with the powerfull tentakels. Squidkid is real fast and can grab and stick on thing with the tentacles.

Weely Clapy Englis

You may have noticed that my English isn't that great. And also my sentences aren't always correctly English. My may have guest it but my first language is Dutch.

So Yep, have to work on my English skills to.